
Jerusalem Dome of the Rock Temple Mount UFO Video

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At the promenade of Armon Hantziv in Jerusalm, an amazing ufo aircraft hovered and dropped over Jerusalem old city (mount Moriah) Dome of the Rock,Temple Mount ,قبة الصخرة, הר הבית. It hovers for awhile then you see a bright flash just before the craft shoots into the sky accompanied by red flashing lights above(original video). Including the cell phone footage from the guy infront of the original video so you can see the UFO craft from two perspectives

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Bukan Spamer said...

Assalamualaikum ... Tolong komen ane di approve gan ! hehe, numpang cari backlink. Gimana keluarga semua di rumah ? Sehat ?
Ijin titip Link ya gan, Mohon maaf kalo ane nyampah ... :)

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